Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dan Aykroyd Thrills Kids With Visit

Dan Aykroyd Thrills Halifax Kids With Inspiring Visit  Ya know, it's a great feeling when someone you looked up to as a kid didn't let you down as an adult.  All to often I find that my old idol's were / are all to human and flawed.  As a kid I loved Saturday Night Live, the Blues Brothers and Ghost Busters.  Especially ghost busters :-)  Ahhhhhh Staypuft, where are ya now...

Well, in spite of many of his SNL cohorts, Dan Aykroyd has always seemed to be a stand up guy.  Well he is keeping up that image and more celeb's should follow suit.  Last week he visited a grammar school to eat pizza with the kids and watch Ghost Busters.  That's just cool :-)  Plus during his speech he said some great things to the kids, a very morale boosting pep talk....  get this....

"My time is past. I'm old, I've done my thing," he told them. "But how do you think movies like that get written? Because I had an idea in my head as a young man. I put it out there ... It became a reality.
What you dream is what you can become. You have that power."

Wow, I wish someone famous said that to me when I was a kid. :-)  Here is a link to news article.....

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