Sunday, February 26, 2006

Linux: The Day After

Well I made a lot of progress yesterday. I seem to have all my major bases covered. Hardware is still my largest obstacle. I still can't see my webcam, I need a firmware update for my scanner and pocket PC is a no show at this point. On the plus side of the scale, I have full access to my iPod which is great, but for some reason I can't sync it. Sigh, oh well at least I can get stuff on to it :-)

I will be spending most of today in Windows. I need to move a lot of files around then convert my drives back to FAT32. The NTFS ones really make SUSE cringe. If all goes well I will be able to take my 10GB Linux partition and make it 60GB to just let it go hog wild. I'm sure Windows will make me jump through a few hundred hoops firs to make that happen.

My impressions after a full day as Linux only? Yes it will work for me and I predict I will be M$ free in a few weeks. Once I have my PC where I want it, then its off to my laptop. I am betting that will be a much harder setup, but who knows maybe SUSE will suprise me again :-)

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